Sound Art Compositions

Je compose uniquement à partir de mes enregistrements de terrain, pour des éditions cds en solo, ou en collaborations de musiciens et artistes sonores (Tarek Atoui, Jean-Luc Guionnet, Philip Samartzis, Eamon Sprod, Seijiro Murayama, Taku Unami …), et pour des productions audio-visuelles (vidéos avec Christian Jaccard, Corin Sworn, Lee SeEun, Luke Fowler).
Je dirige le label d'art sonore Swarming et la collection Paris (consacrée à cette ville que j'habite).
"Mon travail est tout autant d'interroger la perception du réel que d'élargir ce qui fait musique aujourd'hui."

My experimentations with the everyday soundscape lead to site specific installations and musical pieces using only his field recordings, for CD releases and audiovisual productions.
I run the sound art label Swarming (dedicated to my works in Paris).

"My work is just as much to interrogate the perception of reality as it is to expand the idea of what music consists of today."

also available on


Zones Portuaires 2
(2017-2024) 47:20. For Tarek Atoui. Published by Swarming Collection EXTRA 2025


(2007-2021) 44:00. With Jean-Luc Guionnet+Philip Samartzis+Dan Warburton. Published by Swarming Collection Paris 2024


Parazoan Mapping #2
(2019-2023) . With Taku Unami. Files+16 page newspaper. Published by Kindling (Australia)

Supersédure 2
(2018-2023) 40:00. With Seijiro Murayama. Published by Swarming Collection Paris 2023

Marchés Markets
(1993-2018) 35:00. For the book "Ecrits de marchés". Published by Boa editions 2023

Nos Barrières Mobiles
(2021-2023) 30 minutes. Video documentary. Swarming editions

Barrières Mobiles
(2018-2023) 57:00. Booklet 40 pages+CD. Published by Swarming 2023


(2004-2022) 49:37. Soundtrack for "L'odyssée du pyronaute" video by Christian Jaccard


Everyday Unknown 4 & 5
(2019-2021) 45:00. Published by Swarming - Collection Supranaturelle October 2021

Pauses, au Japon
(2019-2021) 43:19. Video (french and english versions). Support by CNAP


(2020) 234minutes. Composed by Jean-Luc Guionnet. Field recording and voice (reading). Produced by Café Oto (London). December 2020

7 lines
(2020) 50:00. Composed by Lotus Edde Khouri for the Gamut Kollektiv. Itinerant recordings. CD. Published by Edition Gamut (Switzerland). May 2021

Time without depth
(2020) 25:00. Composed by Philip Samartzis. French Voice (reading). Podcast by Le Grain des Choses (Belgium). January 2021

Everyday Unknown 3
(2019-2020) 20:10. Published by Superpang (January 2021)

(2020) 74:00. De la dilatation du paysage / Double exposition / Tentative d'épuisement (sonore) d'un lieu / Surface-Témoin.
Book + CD. Published by Swarming (December 2020)


(2020) 14:10. For Jon Abbey and Amplify 2020.
AudioFile. Diffused on Amplify 2020 Bandcamp

(2011-2020) 45:00 Appartement / Atelier / Musée.
CD. Published by Swarming (June 2020)


De la dilation du paysage
(2006.2020) 14:50 minutes. Stereo version.
For “Installations” CD. Published by Swarming (Decem
ber 2020)

Double exposition
(2010.2020) 16:40 minutes. Stereo version.
For “Installations” CD. Published by Swarming (December 2020)

Captured Space
(april 2018) 48 minutes. With Philip Samartzis. New Stereo version.
K7. Published by Cronica (Portugal) (January 2020)
Second edition. Published by Swarming (January 2025)

Captured Space


Contre toute attente
(December 2018 - February 2019) 11:40 minutes.
For “AUDIOSPHERE: Social Experimental Audio, Pre- and Post-Internet”
Curated by Francisco López.
An exhibition by Reina Sofia Museum (Madrid). October 2020 - January 2021

Friche : transition
(april 2015 - December 2018) 39 minutes. With Eamon Sprod.
CD. Released by Swarming (March 2019)
Multichannel version for "Portraits de pays" and presented at Q-O2 (Bruxelles) 2022


HOSE : the old ones
Forgotten recordings (2007-2018). Recordings for Hose.
2LP. Published by Headz (Japan) / unknownmix 47 (March 2019)


Métro Pré Saint-Gervais
(july – october 2001) 64 minutes.
With Jean-Luc Guionnet (saxophone) and Dan Warburton (violin).
CD. New master. ReIssue by Swarming (October 2018)


The Bray Harp
by Jeph Jerman (2017) 32:36 minutes. Sound recordings.
LP. Published by White Centipede (february 2018)

Inaudible radio

(january - may 2018) 55 minutes.
For "L'inaudible", France Culture - Creation On Air

HOME Marseille
(march - may 2018). 62 minutes. Instruments and recordings. With Jean-Luc Guionnet.
Musicians : Chœur Tac-Til, voices, Aude Romary, cello, voice, Adrien Bardi Bienenstock, voice, readings, Claire Bergerault, accordeon and voice.
For festival Les Musiques / GMEM (Marseille)


Chantier 4 inédits
(June-November 2017). 58 minutes.
With Pascal Battus (found objects) and Bertrand Gauguet (saxophone).
AudioFiles. Released by Swarming (June 2020)

Chantier 4
(June-November 2017). 64 minutes.
With Pascal Battus (found objects) and Bertrand Gauguet (saxophone).
CD. Released by Swarming (April 2018)

Chantier 3
(September and October 2017). 25 minutes. Soundtrack.
A film by Bertrand Gauguet.
Premiered at Rencontres Internationales Paris - Berlin (May 2018)

Home Albi
(October 2017) 67 minutes. Instruments and recordings. With Jean-luc Guionnet.
Musicians : Sophie Agnel, piano, Bernard Astier, reading, Jean-Yves Evrard, guitar, Stephane Garin, percussion, Jean-Brice Godet, K7 device, Christian Pruvost, trumpet.
For festival Riverrun, GMEA (Albi)

(July-September 2017). 63 minutes. Solo work. New mastering. CD.
Released by Swarming (October 2017)


Home Alfortville
(April-June 2017) 62 minutes. Instruments and recordings. With Jean-luc Guionnet.
Musicians : Anna Gaïotti, voice, tap-dance, Laurent Pascal, harmonica, Violaine Lochu, voice accordeon, Antonin Gerbal, drum, Elizabeth Saint-Jalmes, voice.
For La muse en Circuit (Alfortville)

(december 2016 - May 2017) 45 minutes.
Extended and multichannel version of "Le monde extérieur" - Paris Quotidien project.
For Zwei Tage Strom festival, Zurich (Switzerland)

Paris Quotidien
(January 2013 - November 2016). 74 minutes.
CD Book. Released by Swarming (first edition April 2017 / second edition 2022)



Home : Montreuil
(september 2016) 65 minutes. Instruments and recordings. With Jean-luc Guionnet.
Musicians : Marc Baron, tapes, Claire Bergerault, voice, accordeon, Cyprien Bussolini, violin
Klaus Filip, computer, Will Guthrie, percussions, Elizabeth Saint-Jalmes, voice.
For L'Audible festival 2016, Bagnolet (France)

Home : Athens
(april 2016) 65 minutes. Instruments and recordings. With Jean-luc Guionnet.
Musicians : Danae Stefanou, piano, Yannis Panagiotakopoulos, bouzouki, Daniel, violin, Yorgos Gotsis, accordeon, Stefanos, electronics, Yannis Iliakis, driums, Alexandros, electric bass, Ιοanna Nakiou, voice, percussion.
For Borderline Festival 2016 Athens (Greece)

noé soulierRemoving
(june 2015-june 2016) 20 minutes.
Multichannels sound environment for Noé Soulier and his choregraphy


Reflected Waves
(2005-2015). With Jean-Luc Guionnet.
Book (French/english) + DVD 148 minutes. Published by Passage d'encre (France)


A grammar for listening 2 / A hemero phaestos 2 / Polymères 2 (October 2014 - january 2015) 43 minutes.
CD. Released by Herbal (Malaysia)


Parazoan Mapping
(June - December 2014) 48 minutes. With Taku Unami.
Curated by Jon Abbey. CD. Released by Erstwhile records (USA)

france culture
Embrasure part 1 & 2
(July 2015) 2x2 minutes.
Opening and closing music for Creation On Air (France Culture).
Curated by Irene Omelianenko

Philharmonie 1
(November 2014 - March 2015) 8 minutes.
For Stefano Gentile "8+8" series. Released by Silentes (Italy)


fondation Vuitton
AIR.ratio 2
(September - November 2014) 10 minutes. 8 channels.
Curated by Tarek Atoui for "From Architecture". Presented at Fondation Vuitton

Home : Handover
(May 2010 - July 2014) 4x60 minutes.
4CD. Released by Potlatch (Paris)


Paris : Public spaces
(January 2012 - April 2014) 55 minutes. With Seijiro Murayama.
CD. Released by Ftarri (Japan)



Zones Portuaires
(February 2010 - August 2013) 41:35 minutes. Titles : Le Havre Radio | Le Havre 2 | Liège Témoins | Liège 2.
Split 2CD with cédric Peyronnet. Released by Herbal international (Malaysia)


Short cuts from Grammar for listening
(march 2010) 5:00.
For "Seasonal:Autumn" CD. Released by Framework (England/Estonia)

Captured Space
(March 2008 - May 2011 ) 43:34. With Philip Samartzis.
K7 + AudioFiles. Released by Cronica (January 2020)

Captured Space
(March 2008 - May 2011 ) excerpt. With Philip Samartzis.
For "Magnetic Traces 2" a compilation, a survey of sound art in Australia and France. Released by Swarming (France).
CD. Published by Pure Presence+Swarming (France)

hear and now Captured Space
(March 2008 - May 2011) excerpt. With Philip Samartzis.
For "Magnetic Traces 2" a compilation, a survey of sound art in Australia and France. Released by Swarming (France).
CD. Published by Pure Presence+Swarming (France)

Stray Shafts of Sunlight
(2007-12) 42 minutes. Jean-Luc Guionnet + Eric La Casa + Philip Samartzis.
Live recordings (European Tour).
CD. Released by Swarming (France/Australia)


Chantier 2
(may-september 2013). With Pascal Battus (percussion, found objects) and Bertrand Gauguet (sax). 5 recordings sessions into the building site (Philharmonie de Paris)

a hemero phaestos
A Hemero Phaestos
(November 2012-May 2013) 19:10 minutes.
Soundtrack for Christian Jaccard's video (France)

The Rag Papers
(november 2012-january 2013) 22:00.
Soundtrack for Corin Sworm's film installation.
Presented at Chisehhale Gallery (London), February-March 2013


September in Tomelilla
with Cool Quartet (december 2009-january 2010) 34:00. On "Dancing in Tomelilla"
CD. Released by Hibari music (Japan)

(December 2011-March 2012) 80 minutes. With Jean-luc Guionnet (organ).
For "Ce pays qui s'appelle Tane", a drama by Marie-Christine Navarro.

Chantier 1
(september 2010 - May 2012) 62:10. With Pascal Battus (electronic devices) and Bertrand Gauguet (sax).
Recorded in a site building (sept. 2010) and at Cite de la Musique studio (april 2011).
CD. Released by Another Timbre (England)

Interview Reviews

conciergerie Répons(e)
(june - september 2012) 29:00. With Seijiro Murayama.
Presented at La Conciergerie (Paris), Curated by Martine Valentin

(may - august 2012) 22:00.
Soundtrack for Christian Jaccard's video (France)

luke fowler All divided selves
(December 2011-January 2012) 25:00.
Soundtrack for Luke Fowler's film (Scotland)

wind measure recordings
Night train in Montlouis
(1997 - 7:00). For v-p v-f [field]
2CDr. Released by Windsmeasurerecordings (USA)

somn Le Havre 1
(2012 - 6:00). For "SONM 1 "
CD. Released by SONM (Murcia, Spain)

france culture Je veux que tout change
(July - August 2011) 2x2:30. Curated by Irene Omelianenko
Opening and closing music for Les Ateliers de la nuit (France Culture).


bogong Spirale 4
(December 2010) 30:00. Curated by Philip Samartzis
Presented at Bogong AIR festival in February 19/20th 2011

with ERIC LA CASA recordings.
CD. Released by Headz (Japan)

Água da paz
CORDELL KLIER performs ERIC LA CASA recordings.
Audio Files. Released by Impulsive Habitat (USA)


(1998-2008). 140 minutes. Titles : Les Pierres du Seuil parts 2 (excerpt), 4, 5, 6, 8 | S'ombre part 1 (excerpt) | Spirale 3 | Les Oscillations 1, 2 excerpt) | L'inspir du rivage part 2 | Dans le feuillage du lointain, la clameur d'un bruissement | Quelque chose de cela, le désert part 1-2 | L'air au fond du rouge | Les aubes sont navrantes.
2CD. Released by Herbal international (Malaysia)

REVIEWs Water / Wind

sound ecology Liège short cuts
(2010) 5:00 with Cedric Peyronnet. For "Sound Ecology : range"
CD. Released by Nitkie (Russia)

Window dressing
by Seijiro Murayama + Jean-Luc Guionnet.
CD. Recordings. Released by Potlach (France)

m|i magazine
Inscape La Soute
excerpt from a live performance (5 minutes). Various Artists
CD + m | i Magazine. Published by Monotype records (Poland)

Home project
(november 2010) 65:00. Interpretation of House part 1-4 by 3 musicians (Seijiro Murayama, Lucio Capace, and Neil Davidson) and 2 actors (Aileen Campbell and Gael Leveugle) for Instal 10 festival (Arika).
Presented at Tramway, Glasgow (Scotland)
Published in "Home : Handover" 4CD

house 5
House part 5
(november 2010) 25:00. Last variation of the House project.
Recording session with Keith Beatie (Scotland)
Published in "Home : Handover" 4CD


Zone Sensible
(2007.09) Zone Sensible 2. Stereo version 25 minutes. Released by Room40 (Australia)
(2009 - 6'). For "Magnetic Traces 1 " CD. Released by Swarming (Australia/France)
(spring 2009) 48:00. Version 2.1. (8 channels sound installation ) for Project space Gallery and Magnetic Trace festival
(2022) Zone Sensible 2+. Extended and revised stereo version. 35 minutes. Only on Bandcamp

(2007.09) Dundee 2. Stereo version 35 minutes.. Released by Room40 (Australia)
(spring 2009) 45:00. 6 channels version for Project space Gallery and Magnetic Trace festival. August 2009
(2022) Dundee 2+. Revised and extended stereo version. 35 minutes. Only on Bandcamp


(2006 - 2008) 49:13. With Seijiro Murayama (snare drum).
CD. Released by Hibari music (Japan)


reflected waves
Reflected Waves
with Jean-Luc Guionnet.
Book (french) + CD. Published by Passage d'encre (France)

Soleil d'Artifice
44:00. With jean-luc Guionnet (saxophone) and philip Samartzis (electronics/laptop).
Live sessions at Kouz studios (2007).
CD. Released by Swarming (Paris/Melbourne)


magnetic traces
Zone Sensible 2
(2009 - 6:00). For "Magnetic Traces 1 "
CD. Released by Swarming (Australia/France)

Les Vibrations dans la masse de son roulement
(2009 - 10:00). Split mCDr with Eamon Sprod (Tarab).
Released by Compost and height (England)

grammar2 Grammar for listening part 2
(june-october 2009) 20:50. Soundtrack for Luke Fowler's film (16mm) (Glasgow)


(september 2008) 55:00. Studio and live recordings in Tokyo.
Composed and produced by Taku Unami.
CD. Released by Headz (Japan)

Les Aubes sont Navrantes
(july-august 2008) 29:30. Soundtrack for Cledat / Petitpierre's performance.
Production : Hop là, nous vivons ! (France)

E puis YOU
(2008 - 10:00). With Renato Rinaldi. For "LENGHEDIVACJE"
2CD. Released by FinalMuzik (Italy)

La Creuse
(2006.7 - 57:00). Titles : La Roche des fées / Le rocher Jupille / Le Peux / Le Bois de Parnac / Le Confolent / La Cascade de la Mouline / Le moulin Tenèze / Anzème / Sardeix. With Cedric Peyronnet.
CD. Released by Herbal International (Malaysia)

Inscape - Lille.Flandres
(2004 - 53:00). With jean-luc guionnet.
CD. Released by MonoTypRec (Poland)



Dundee law
(2007.08 - 5:00). For "Audible Geography". CD. Released by Room40 (Australia)
Dundee (April 2007) 51:10. 6 channels piece for Ken Jacobs and the Kill your timid notion festival, DCA museum (Scotland)

Clisson : Moulin de Gervaux
(2001 - 8:14). For "Rythm".
CD. Released by Gruenrekorder + Cherry music (Japan)

Hubert Lucot
Les animaux se cachent pour sourire
(2007 - 17:00). Recordings.
CD+Text. Published by Collection Mémoires

APcis 07
(June 2007) 11:00. For "APcis 07" Christian Jaccard's video project.
Commissioned by Espace APcis (France)

Nuées part 5
(february 2006) 18:00. For jephan de Villiers
For "Esprits de la forêt". Halle Saint-Pierre (march - august 2006).
For "Le peuple sous l'écorce". Denys Puech museum, Rodez, (spring 2007)

Parking La Villette
(Spring 2007) 60:00. 4 channels recordings
with Jean-luc Guionnet (saxophone), Dan Warburton (violin) and Philip Samartzis (microphones).
Improvised session in a carpark (Cite de la musique. Paris 19).
First diffusion : Parisonic festival (Paris) 2010

Visite à André Robillard
(april 2007) recordings. Clovis Prévost's video for LAM museum


(2000-2003) 63:00.
CD. Released by SIRR.ecords (Portugal)


Secousses Panoramiques
(1997 - October 2005) 21:00.
mCD. Released by Hibari music (Japan)


Afflux - Bordeaux, TNT
(2000– 51:00). With Jean-Luc Guionnet and Eric Cordier.
CD. Released by And/or, Alluvial rec. (USA)

la folie méricourt
(may 2006) 9:40. For a Christian Jaccard's video.
Commissioned by Hors Les Murs (France)


Les Oscillations part 1-2
(April 2003 - March 2004) 45:17.
CD. Released by Fringes (Italy)


(october-november 2004) 30:50. For Akio Suzuki "résonances", museum of Zadkine.
Book + CD. Released by Paris-Musées (France)

Belvédère dans l'étendue
(2002) 70:00. With Jean-Luc Guionnet (saxophone), Emmanuel Petit (Guitar), and David Chiesa (double bass).
CD. Released by Creatice source (Portugal)

Italian visitor
(2003) 3:35. For 7.
CDr Compilation. Released by (USA)

Spirale 1
(2004 - version 2) 5:40. For "the walls of whispering 2".
CD. Released by EEtapes (Belgium)

bloc 14
Bloc 14
(september 2004 - september 2005) 17:30. For a Christian Jaccard's video

Premier Dépli
(July 2004 - april 2005) 35 and 65 minutes. For "Premiers Déplis", commissioned by Collection Mémoires. Only voices (readings). With Jean Anguera, Joël Bastard, Michel Butor, Jacques Capdeville, Adrienne Clostre, Philippe Denis, François Dominique, Serge Gavronsky, Jean-Paul Gavard-Perret, Zuzana Hulka, Koschmider, Joël Leick, Francis Marshall, Marie Morel, Henri Meschonnic, Ricardo Mosner, Jean-Luc Parant, Bernard Quesniaux, René Quinon, Michaële-Andréa Schatt, Tony Soulié, Salah Stétié, Christèle Veaux, Jephan de Villiers, François Zénone. An exhibition at La menuiserie, Rodez


nuées part 1-4
(march-june 2004) 43:33 With Jephan de Villiers for his exhibition "mémoires de terre" (june 2004 – january 2005).
CD + book. Released by Rurart (France)

Ici 1
(1998) 4:19. For "VARIOUS".
2CD. Released by Intransitive recordings (USA)

Spirale 1
(2000) 5:16. For "".
2CDr. Released by Resonance fm / Ben Green (England)

S'ombre part 3
(1999) 3:30 . For "Insight".
2CD. Released by Xing-Wu (Malaysia)

(1998) excerpt (recorded by emmanuel Madan). In "S:ON".
Book+CD. Published by Artextes (Canada)

Instretch : lille-flandre
(excerpt) (2004) 9:50. With Jean-Luc Guionnet. For "Liquid architecture 6"
CD Compilation. Released by Liquid Architecture (Australia) minutes

Instants, le journal
(july 2001) 42:12. With original paintings by Joël Leick.
CDr. Released by Collection Mémoires

Voyage en Arbonie
(September - November 1996) 77:00. Titles : Fragments de mémoire 1 (29’45) / Fragments de mémoire 2 (10’25). Co-produced par LA GRANDE FABRIQUE . With Jephan de Villiers (sculptor). 2nd Edition. CD. Released by Collection Mémoires

(december 2000-april 2001) 73:00 by jean-luc guionnet (organ) and éric la casa (microphones).
CD. Released by Hibari music (Japan)

Project for an LP
one method of (nearly) avoiding the composer (an installation document) by Joe Colley
ecording by Eric La Casa, august 3rd, 2003.
LP. Released by Edition... (USA)

Music Station
(2001) 5:00 with jean-luc Guionnet (sax) and dan Warburton (violin). For "Insight".
2CD. Released by Xing-Wu (Malaysia)


Un texte sans cesse
La dispersion d'un corps, au crépuscule

(July 2001-January 2003). 48:00. Reading by Joël Leick.
CD + Book. Released by Collection Mémoires

Une rugosité, à la périphérie du gris
(June-July 2003) 7:24. With Michaël Rüsenberg. Dedicated to La Defense (Paris).
CD. Released by Realambient (Germany)

Maison I-V
(August 2001 - June 2002) 74:10. With Jean-Luc Guionnet (saxophone).
CD. Released by Vert Pituite (France)


Spirale 2
(2003) 7:00. For "Full-Void".
CD. Released by Antifrost (Spain)

Moulin de l'Ecornerie
(Février 2002) 5:10. For " 5".
CDR. Released by Phonography (USA)

The empire builders
(february - march 2003) 51:40. By the Dropp Ensemble. Field recordings.
CD. Released by longboxrecordings (USA)

(June/july 2001) 15:42. With Slavek Kwi. For "Cultures électroniques 16".
2CD. Released by IMEB-Bourges (France)

Topophonie 9
(Juin 2003). Recorded live in 2003. Musical and sound documentary


L'air au fond du rouge
(August - September 2001) 9:13. For "Sul" (to Chris Marker).
CD. Released by Sirr.records (Portugal)


La Dispersion d'un corps, au crépuscule
(October 2001 - April 2002) 15:00. Choregraphy by Iris Sputh (Berlin).
Production "10. Lange nacht der elektronischen festival klänge", Akademie der künste, Berlin (Germany).
Published by Collection Mémoires, in "Un texte sans cesse" - Joël Leick (2003)

Métro Pré Saint-Gervais
(july – october 2001) 64:14. With Jean-Luc Guionnet (saxophone) and Dan Warburton (violin).
CD. Released by Chloë (USA)


Afflux Bouquetot, Port Jérôme, Gare de Lyon
(October 1998-June 1999) 73:50 With Eric Cordier and Jean-Luc Guionnet.
CD. Released by Groundfault (USA)


(april 2001) 56:55. With Jean-Luc Guionnet (organ).
CD. Released by A bruit secret (France)


part 1 (excerpt)
(excerpt 7:05). For "EarthEar radio2".
CD (Not for sale). Released by EarthEar (USA). 2002

Spirale 3
(June 2002) 13:46. For the House of the river, a museum at Saint-Georges de Montaigu (France)

Topophonie 6
(February-April 2002) 24:50 Recorded live in 2002, Aligre (Paris).
Musical and sound documentary


Les Pierres du Seuil part 9
(2001 - 5:18). For "Transatlantic Waves Festival".
Published by The Wire magazine CD (England)

Les Pierres du Seuil part 8
(2001 - 09:08). For Halana magazine USA.
Published by Herbal international (Malaysia) in 2CD « W² » 2010

(August 2000 – August 2001) 30:00. Titles : Ici 2 | Incandescence part 1/2/3.
Split CD with Slavek Kwi. " Musiques Tracées de Savoie" Series.
CD. Released by Studio Collectif & Cie (France)


Spirale 1
(april 2000) 5:16. For "The river" web project, and "EarthEar radio1".
CD (Not for sale). Released by EarthEar (USA)

(July 1998) 9:52. Field recording for " 3".
CDR. Released by (USA)

Dans le feuillage du lointain, la clameur d'un bruissement
(september-october 1998) 12:47. For "The sound of the nature / The nature of the sound".
CD. Released by Kaon (France)

Quelque chose de cela, le désert
(July 2000) For René Quinon (writer).
CD. Released by Collection Mémoires


Voyage en Arbonie Jephan de Villiers
(September - November 1996). Fragments de mémoire 1 (29’45) / Fragments de mémoire 2 (10’25).
Co-produced par LA GRANDE FABRIQUE . With Jephan de Villiers (sculptor).
CD. Released by Collection Mémoires


Aizier, St Martin/Mer, Dieppe (October 1998) 74:00.
with Eric Cordier and Jean-Luc Guionnet.
CD. Released by Edition… (USA)


cover desert part 1-2
Quelque chose de cela, le désert part 1-2
cover desert part 3Quelque chose de cela, le désert part 3
(July 2000) for René Quinon, and his (almost silent) opera "Pour Cyclope".
CDr. Released by Collection Mémoires

Les Pierres du Seuil part 4-7
(October 1999 - March 2000) 56:38.
CD. Released by Edition… (USA). 2000



The Stone of the Threshold
(Juin - Juillet 1999) 70:55. Titles : S'ombre part 1 & 2 (excerpt) / Chrysalithe / Les Pierres du seuil part 1-3.
CD. Released by GroundFault recordings (USA)


S'Ombre part 1-3
(Composed in february - march 1999). Painting by Koschmider.
CDr (30 copies) Released by Collection Mémoires

L'Empreinte de l'Ivresse
(June 1996 - February 1997) 68:40. Titles : Dahl, au dehors / L’inspir du rivage / Brame, en dedans / L’expir du jour. Co-produced by La grande fabrique (Dieppe).
CD. Released by Digital Narcis Limited (Japan)


Synapses IV
Composed and Performed by Eric Cordier and jean-Luc Guionnet, and recorded at le Garage, Paris, in June 1998 by éric La Casa. CD. Released in 1999 by Selektion (Germany)

L'Inspir du Rivage part 2/3
(January 1999) 6:57 - 6'56 For Explorer series.
7". Released by Povertech (USA)

Ouroboros 7
(September 1997) 11:00. For "EndId" international compilation.
CD. Production : Digital Narcis Limited (Japan)

Les pierres du seuil part 1-3
(february-march 1998) 31:45. For "Soundscape voor 2000".
2CD. Released by NPS/CEM (Holland)


Ouroboros 4.97
(October 1997) 8:47. New version for the "38ème Rugissants" festival (Grenoble, France)

Ouroboros 6
(august 1996) 14:50. For "Liminality".
CD. Released by Digital Narcis Ltd (Japan)


1003 souffles d'écorces
(September - October 1996) 20:15
With Jephan de Villiers (sculptor). Co-produced by La grande fabrique (Dieppe).
mCD. Released by La Légende des Voix / Foundation Jephan de Villiers

Before 1996 ... SYLLYK (1991 - 1995)