Version 2.2
[ Immersive listening environment for CallandResponse, presented at The James Taylor Gallery (London, UK). November 4-7th 2010, and Net audio festival (London, UK), May 15th 2011] 8 channels
Version 2.1
[ Immersive listening environment for Magnetic Trace festival, presented at Project space gallery (Melbourne, Australia). July 31th - August 21th 2009 ] 8 channels
Version 1.1
[ installation with Olivier Darné. Produced and presented by : Les Instants Chavires for Lieux Communs festival (Montreuil, France). September 29th - October 28th 2007 ].
Stereo version for Palais de Tokyo 's answering machine. Curated by Rahma Khazam. June 2010
Stereo Version for Zone Sensible house (Saint-Denis-France). Curated by Olivier Darne. May/june 2011
Version 2.2
Version 2.1
![project space](../photos/installations/Zoneprojectspace1.jpg)
Version 1.1
![zone sensible](../photos/installations/zone9.jpg)